Monday 10 September 2012

Orc & Goblin Digital Army Book Review!

I finally decided I got tired of writing stuff here. I didn't want to knock my hobby log on the head completely however so I've started a video version of Always Strikes Last in the form of a Youtube channel by the same name which you can find here:


Tuesday 10 January 2012

Always Strikes Late

So we're already nearly half way through January but hey I like to lag on my blogging updates. I have a bit of quiet downtime and figured maybe it would be a good idea to review my hobby exploits over 2011!

Back in April 2011 I made a "pledge" because occasionally I'm prone to doing silly things. I figured here would be a good place to see how I got on.

1. The Trinity War.

This was a home brewed campaign that I intended to complete and maybe even produce a fluffy book for.

Result: Incomplete

The campaign stalled for one reason or another (which is a shame because it was going well) and then the new Ogre book was launched! My plan in 2012 is to try to rekindle interest in this project since it will let me use the new Ogre rules as well as give the hallmark of completing a campaign in my friend group.

2. Complete my Night Goblin project.

Oh dear. In fairness I did a number of scratch builds and painstaking painted 100 NG's to a pretty good standard. I also converted up a bunch of Goblin heroes and squigs. The fact of the matter here though was this project was BIG and quickly defeated my motivation. Which in wargaming terms means a new shiny project came along and I got all excited and flitted off to do that!

Result: Incomplete

3. Play 10 games with the Night Goblins.

Errm read above.

Result: Incomplete

4. Dig out, rebuilt, and recreate my Tomb King army.

Finally some good news! This project was a sterling success. I managed to build over 3000 points of Tomb Kings and for the most part paint it all! I think all that remains is about 2 character models for when I play even larger games. Perhaps the crowning glory is the scratch built hierotitan pictured above which won me much praise from those who've seen it.

Result: Success!

5. Play at least 10 games with the Tomb Kings.

Again success! I think I managed to play more than 10 games which somewhat makes up for the lack of Night Goblin games.

Result: Success!

6: Mad Blood Bowl project.

I may have slightly altered the title for this pledge but that's simply because it was bloody mad! I still want to do it some day but right now I have so many projects going on its not a realistic target.

Result: Madness!

So overall I only managed two of the six pledges I made last year....bummer! It kind of makes pledges look like the wrong term for it so for this year I shall call them "goals" because it is still always a good idea to have things to aim for.

What did I do instead?

As for why I didn't achieve the pledges the answer is simple, I got caught up in other things. For a start we have Dreadfleet which ate a significant amount of hobby time and energy. On top of that I dug out, revamped and completely painted my Flames of War army which wasn't part of my initial plan. Then we had Storm of Magic which I prepared things for and actually started producing terrain for. On a terrain note I also completed my Fantasy terrain as well as creating some buildings for a Flames of War and a new desert board. Throw into this mix an addiction to Starcraft 2 and then eventually beginning to do my own commentary in the forms of a regular cast and my nerd time and energies just couldn't be everywhere at once! Never the less despite them not being part of my original pledges I do see them as an impressive tally of hobby being completed!

Plans for 2012 

For 2012 I'm going to try keep myself much more grounded and directed. I'm going to list a number of goals below but in no particular priority because the nature of this hobby is you flit from project to project and back again.

1. Complete my Night Goblins:

This is going to be a biggy but I can do it!

2. Complete Dreadfleet:

I only have the terrain to go so this is very achieveable.

3. Update my Ogres to 8th edition:

This mostly involves assembling and painting a few new units not much more.

4. Complete a new Space Marine army:

I'm already moving towards creating a mobile bike force for my Ultramarines and making a nice paint job. There's a couple of scratch builds thrown in but I think this is an achievable goal for the 40k side of things.

5. Madness Alert: Build a full life-sized suit of MkVII power armour.

This is a pretty mad project. And yes anyone reading this might think it sounds wackier and even more impossible than the Blood Bowl idea. And you'd be right, it is. The difference is I have already started this and met a measure of success to motivate me to continue. I'd love to get it completed by Halloween but this is such a large project it might well carry over to 2013. I hope not but I'm trying to be realistic and not get carried away!

And that pretty much sums up my thoughts on 2011 and plans for 2012. They're more a direction this time than a pledge to give my hobby some focus during this year. I look forward to bringing anyone reading my blog updates on the above over the year!