Tuesday 12 April 2011

The Pledge...

Its been a while since I updated things here so I figured I ought to commit my current musings to keyboard. It has occurred to me that in terms of WHFB I have quite a number of projects on the go and giving some structure to this would certainly benefit my sanity, let alone productivity! Its a bit late in the year for resolutions so I shall simply call this, the pledge (not to be confused with a popular brand of polish!)

My current projects on the go are:

Ogre Kingdoms - The modelling is completed but the army remains in very active service in the form of the Trinity War Campaign I have written (and will soon post up here).

Night Goblins - This feels like it is still well and truly at the starting blocks at the moment! I've still got a ton of infantry to paint and lots of scratch building/conversions to do. My original target was to have this army wrapped up by the end of the month but motivational lapses and real life interference have thus far scuppered my best laid plans!

Tomb Kings - The new book launches in May which leaves me less than a month away from getting my grubby little hands on it. This is in part one of the motivational factors behind getting the Night Goblins ready. With my Ogres I have an army ready to hit the tabletop at a moments notice with the Goblins in the background as a modelling project. Ideally I would like to switch the Ogres out for the Night Goblins and place the Tomb Kings as the next modelling aspect.

Blood Bowl - This hasn't even left the mad design workshop that is my head yet but I have finally accepted that this isn't just a mere flight of fancy. Thus it seems well placed to add them to my pledge. Essentially I would really like to branch into this game on the tabletop (I currently play it on the PC) and have rather lofty goals set out for myself! 

So. There is an acknowledgement of the projects how about a pledge to make it all work?

The Pledge (in order of priority):

1. I pledge to play the home-brew campaign 'The Trinity War' and for it to be the first ever campaign of its type to be completed by myself and my close knit gaming group. Many campaigns have come and gone over the years but none of them have ever drawn to a satisfying close! This will shunt my Ogre's to the fore and hopefully they will be able to cut a name for themselves (rather than just get cut to pieces)! As part of this I also pledge to produce fluff to accompany the campaign and collaborate with the others to produce a book of some sorts chronicling the conflict.

2. I pledge to complete my Night Goblin project. I will not be so bold as to include the time limit for this as part of the pledge as I know it will be tough to stick to it! I will however be mad enough to try and set myself a deadline of the mid-end of May which would still mean blitzing the army.

3. I pledge to play over ten games with the Night Goblins before using another army! This is so I can make sure for myself I've given them a decent showing (much as I have done with the Ogres before them) before moving on to the next army.

4. I pledge to haul out all the broken bits and bobs that comprised my Tomb King army and give them a good old revamp (errm I mean re...king) with the coming book! There's a hefty amount of work there thanks to the amount of models involved and the repair work. I also got hold of some additional stuff the moment GW confirmed TK as the next army book so that will need some TLC too.

5. I pledge to play at least ten games with my Tomb Kings! Simply because it justifies all the effort!

6. I pledge to put my mad Blood Bowl plans into action. This will involve scratch building a board and one or two teams to play on it. In addition to this I pledge to indoctrinate some people into Blood Bowl so I will have some opponents to play!

So there you have it! There are a hefty number of projects on there! More than enough to occupy the year realistically though I have crazy plans to do it all in half the time! There's one campaign up there, construction of two armies and Blood Bowl teams along with more than twenty games of Fantasy battles! Ambitious stuff methinks!